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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Alex Fergusen Will Discharge David De Gea

Sir Alex Ferguson is reportedly preparing to kick David De Gea language of Manchester United. The Prayer Factor lover into consideration MATERIALS De Gea Ferguson to return to Spain.

David De Gea seems to have homesick since digaet States Language Of Atletico Madrid AT seasons. Youth 22 years can not adjust the ITU assessed Yourself New Articles Culture English football culture of his country and Queen Elizabeth II ITU. As quoted by the Daily Mail Dari, Goalkeepers Throughout the history of the UK's most expensive assessed difficulty communicating IT New Media Fellow teammate, especially Rear lines.

In addition to language barriers, NET vehicles have borne The former Atletico Madrid ITU is considered a factor in the failure, self adjusting. Goalkeeper National Team U-23 Spanish nil assessed depressed recruited as a replacement for Edwin van der Sar. Moreover, the Red Devils to spend up to 17.8 million Pounds mode when bringing young man from Madrid ITU.

Besides IT, De Gea assessed Focus Can not play because he was FAR distance relationship in Eastern New Article girlfriend, Edurne. Edurne not follow De Gea to Manchester and choose menentap in Madrid because they have to prioritize her career as a pop singer.

It's Ferguson's Secret After Acute Acute players blanch not Like Your Article Short entertainment world. Just look at the fate of David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo is finally released to Real Madrid.


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